1. Introduction

2. Git Basics

3.  Git Terminology

4.  Git Branching

5.  Git - Github

6.  Git Add (Git staging)

7.  Git Commit

8.  Github Advanced

9.  Git Remote

3.7 Staging Area (git add)

  • Working directory contains .git folder, we can add project files,folders inside working directory
  • Even after adding the files, git won’t track the changes of files
  • To Enable file tracking  we need to add the files to staging area using this command

To add one file at a time to staging areaGit add <file name>
To add multiple files and folders to staging areagit add <file1> <file2> <folder>
To add all files and folders at a time to staging areagit add .

Git status :

  • Git status is a command to see the file tracking information of git working directory
  • To verify the files are added to staging area, we need to run git status , then we can see the response
  • As the Staged files (git added files) with green colour, as shows changes to be committed
  • And non staged files (non git add files) are shown with red colours, as shows untracked files.

To see statusgit status
To see status in shortgit  status -s

Types of Tracked files :

(i) Modified Files :

  • After tracking enabled by the git add command, if you made some changes on any file, the git tracking system will identify it, mark it as a Modified file.
  • For an example : Edited the one.txt , added some information and saved
  • We can the git status response as modified , changed not staged
  • So we again need to add the files to staging area by running git add <Modified file name>

(ii) Un Modified :

  • if you did not change any code on any file , that file is marked as an unmodified file by git.
  • Shows the git status response as Changes to be committed

(iii) Remove files from Staging area (un staging) / un Tracking :

  • If you want to remove a file from staging/tracking with any reason
  • We can simply remove it by using this command

git rm –cached <filename>
  • By removing a staged files, it will be moved to untracked files list

Git short status indication :

  • To see git status in short view
git status-s

A: Staged/Tracking File

M: Modified

??: Untracked/Not staged file