1. Introduction

2. Git Basics

3.  Git Terminology

4.  Git Branching

5.  Git - Github

6.  Git Add (Git staging)

7.  Git Commit

8.  Github Advanced

9.  Git Remote

5.4 Git Repostory Cloning

(i) Open and search for any project

(Here I am searching for my own project : explore-world-bootstrap-website)

2. Here we can see the search result, clicking on the first result

3. It opens the repository , now we can see the files in it.

4. Click on the green colour Code button, then we can see the Clone popup contains HTTPS link, copy it

5. Now Open Git bash , follow the below steps

1Open a directorycd desktop
2Clone the repositorygit clone <repository-https-url>git clone
3Move into cloned directorycd <project directory name> (we can get that  by running ls command)cd explore-world-bootstrap-website
4List the filesls
5Check commitsgit log –oneline

6. Now we can see the remote repository downloaded to local machine, we got commits to, we can can work on this project, we can add the changes to remote repository