1. Introduction

2. Git Basics

3.  Git Terminology

4.  Git Branching

5.  Git - Github

6.  Git Add (Git staging)

7.  Git Commit

8.  Github Advanced

9.  Git Remote

6.4 .gitignore

git ignore  :

  • whenever programmers develop a project, rather than source code, developers uses a lot of third party or development files like logs, class files , they don’t need in source code when we pushing to remote repository
  • here we can use .gitignore, create a file with .gitignore in the working directory.
  • add eliminated files like *.log or *.class , *.dev , save file ,
  • when you add git add . , it won’t add log, class, log.

We can see with demo example:

(i) Created gitignore folder, and moved in to it

mkdir gitignore
cd gitignore

(ii) Created log files : tests.log, update.log, status.log files with in the folder

touch tests.log, update.log, status.log

(iii) Created normal files : styles.css, support.js

touch styles.css, support.js

(iv) Created .gitignore file

vim .gitignore
Press I to insert modeAdd*.log*.logsSave it by pressing ESC, next wq!

(v) Initialising the directory as git repository

git init

(vi) Adding all files to staging area

git add .

(vii) Checking what files are added to staging area

git status

(viii) Observation:

We can see only styles.css, support.js are added to staging area

Files having extension .log are skipped for moving into staging area