Networking Basics

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OSI Model ( Open Systems Interconnection Model)

OSI(Open Systems Interconnection) MODEL : is a reference model for how apps communicate over a N/W.

LayerLayer NamerData TypeDevices usedProcess
7Application Layerhuman or software (i) User → Application(ii) Selects suitable Protocol
6Presentation layer(i) Translation : ASCII – to binary or any
(ii) Compressing : Reducing size to minimize the time taken to send the file (iii) Encryption/Decryption : Encrypt and decrypt the data using the SSL
5Session LayerMessage(File)Gateway(i) Identify data(ii) Authenticate and Authorize the Data Transmission
4Transport LayerSegment
: Data file part + checksum
Firewall(i) Segmentation : Making parts of huge data
And adding checksum values for integrity(getting error free data) while receiving
(ii) Flow Control : Check the data flow, along with sender and receiver processing limit(iii) Error check : every segment is included with checksum value , with that missing files automatically resend takes place with ARR automatic resend request

Transmission of data two types : 1) connection – oriented : receiver acknowledges(msg) receipt of a packet. Un received data resent, its reliable2) connection less : receiver does not acknowledge receipt of a packet
Segment : Data file part + checksum
3Network layerPackets

Router(i) Logical Addressing : IP Assigning
(ii) Routing : Routing the path
(iii) Path Detecting : Detecting a suitable for data transmission
Packet : Sender IP + Receivers IP + [Segment : Data file part + checksum]
2Data Link LayerFrameswitchCheck file errors(loss of data), create frame of data ,frame(bits – divide by nic)create a way to send the data , types :
1) MAC : tracking data frames with mac2) LLC (Logical link Controller) : testing the connectivity of the network layer, whether the receiver address is alive/correct or not.
Frame : Senders MAC + Receivers MAC + {Sender IP + Receivers IP + [Segment : Data file part + checksum] } + Tail (Error check – binary information store)
1Hardware(physical)Bits(binary)NICPhysical data conn. B.w device & N/W Card

Wifi : Radio Signal < = > Digital SignalOptical Fiber : Light Signal < = > Digital Signal
Copper Wire : Electrical Signal < = > Digital Signal

Model Diagram : (Source: Wikipedia)